The Wire is a daily current affairs program, broadcast nationally around Australia on the Community Radio Network. The flagship national program for the community radio sector since 2004, The Wire is a significant alternative voice in Australian current affairs. We cover stories across Politics, Education, International affairs, Science & Technology, Health, Indigenous Affairs and Arts & Literature to name a few. Our broadcast stations are spread across city, country and remote parts of Australia. They include including many remote Indigenous communities and places with no other broadcast media. More than 5 million people across Australia can tune into The Wire on any weekday Check out our stories on
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Hear community news and information, interviews, and great music.
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Presented by a variety of volunteer presenters, Morning Music is just the thing to accompany you through the morning with a mix of relaxing classics and nostalgic easy listening music.
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Community news from the Bathurst Seymour Centre.
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Talking Newspaper readers Graham, Onny, and Duck. Supported by the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) and RPH Australia, presenters of this long running 2MCE program read from The Western Advocate, The Central Western Daily, and Charles Sturt University news. If you're unable to read the newspapers due to a print disability or you are just too busy, The Talking Newspaper is the program for you. Readers are community volunteers and Charles Sturt University staff and students. Current readers include Chris, Miao, Sharon, Inez, Donald, Monica, Peter H, Ross, Graham P, Jane & Jim. If you would like to join the Talking Newspaper Team, apply to become a volunteer at our information page under get involved. It's easy, fun, and you are contributing to a valuable community service. The Talking Newspaper is produced with the support of the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Find out more at
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On alternating fortnights, hear an afternoon of blues or country music on 2MCE. Rick's Country Mixdown from 1pm to 2pm features highlights from Rick's Country Mix (Saturday 2 – 5pm), featuring a range of country music and artist interviews. The Country Music Show from 2pm to 4pm features country music over the years with Tim Herbert. Tim plays a great selection of country music, featuring new Australian artists courtesy of the resources of the Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (AMRAP) from the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. Alternating with: Blues Roots N Boots from 1pm to 2pm focusing primarily on Australian talent across blues, roots, and country music. From Paradise FM on the Community Radio Network.
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Community Drive presents the latest local community news and information from around our region.
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The Wire is a daily current affairs program, broadcast nationally around Australia on the Community Radio Network. The flagship national program for the community radio sector since 2004, The Wire is a significant alternative voice in Australian current affairs. We cover stories across Politics, Education, International affairs, Science & Technology, Health, Indigenous Affairs and Arts & Literature to name a few. Our broadcast stations are spread across city, country and remote parts of Australia. They include including many remote Indigenous communities and places with no other broadcast media. More than 5 million people across Australia can tune into The Wire on any weekday Check out our stories on
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Studio 8 brings you the hits from around Australia and around the world. You’ll always hear something you love in Studio 8. In 2019, Gary Sweetnam (of Charles Sturt University’s Faculty of Arts and Education Technical Team) and Adam Thompson (2MCE Production Support Officer) were nominated by the 2MCE Station Manager for an award for Technical Innovation in the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) National Awards for their work on Studio 8.
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Emilie Cortez serves up an hour of Filipino music, news and current events of interest to the Filipino community in Bathurst and Orange.
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Music on a theme, with a special kind of something to accompany your evening. Join your host on a musical journey - who knows where you'll end up! Photo by Gordon Cowie on Unsplash
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Featured image by Georgy Rudakov on Unsplash
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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This Way Out is the only internationally distributed weekly LGBTQ radio program. The award-winning half-hour [...]
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Studio 8 brings you the hits from around Australia and around the world. You'll always hear something you love in Studio 8. In 2019, Gary Sweetnam (of [...]
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