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Retro Top 40

17:00 19:00

Current show

Retro Top 40

17:00 19:00

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

October 5, 2023

Conversations for a Brave New World is produced by the Gender Network (feminist, gender and queer research and practice) at CSU. We bring global, national and local issues about gender to the Central West. Each month, we share knowledge, scholarship and research about gender from the diverse perspectives of experts and scholars.


Biases, we all have them. Some are innocuous, like our bias towards how we like to organise stuff in our pantry. However, some biases particularly focusing on how we see others in society, can be dangerous. In this episode, our guests Kim Copeland and Associate Professor Sue Williamson talk to us about unconscious bias and its impact in the workplace. These are biases against people that we are not actively aware of having but which still influence our behaviours.